Blower resistance coefficient analysis
The resistance coefficient of the blower is the ratio of the resistance generated by its internal structure and external conditions to the wind pressure.
1. Calculation method of blower resistance coefficient
Blower resistance coefficient refers to the ratio of resistance and wind pressure generated by various internal structures and external conditions inside the blower under specific air flow conditions. It is an important parameter for fan performance and air conveying system design, and also an important index for evaluating fan performance. The calculation method is as follows:
Drag coefficient K=Δp/ (ρu²/2)
Where Δp is static pressure loss, ρ is gas density, and u is wind speed
Second, the influence of the resistance coefficient on the performance of the blower
The resistance coefficient is closely related to the air conveying system of the blower, and the size of the resistance coefficient directly affects the ability and efficiency of the air conveying of the blower. When analyzing and optimizing the drag coefficient, the following factors need to be considered:
1. Internal structure: When designing the blower, it is necessary to fully consider the optimization of the internal structure and flow path of the blower to reduce the resistance caused by the air flow through the blower.
2. External conditions: such as conveying distance, pipeline size, pipeline bending and other factors will have an impact on the resistance coefficient.
3. Gas properties: gas density, viscosity and other parameters will also have an impact on the resistance coefficient.
Third, optimize the blower resistance coefficient scheme
In order to improve the air transport capacity and efficiency of the blower, the following optimization schemes need to be considered in design and use:
1. Optimize the internal flow path structure of the blower to reduce the drag coefficient.
2. Increase the air volume of the blower inlet and increase the air pressure.
3. Use straight lines to reduce the bending amount and length of the pipeline and reduce the resistance coefficient.
4. Increase the flow, pressure and state control device in the conveying pipeline to adjust the air transport conditions.
5. In the system design, it is necessary to fully consider the changes in gas properties and external conditions to reduce the impact of the resistance coefficient.
【 Conclusion 】
Blower resistance coefficient is an important factor affecting blower performance and air transport efficiency. By optimizing the internal structure of the blower and improving the gas transport conditions, the resistance coefficient can be increased, and the ability and efficiency of the blower air transport can be improved.
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