Inertial release method
Based on the assumption that there is an approximate balance between the external load and the inertia force, the inertia release method is a method to obtain the locking force generated during closing and predict the fatigue life of the opening and closing parts of the body. Using the inertial release method, the first order natural frequency of the closing part must be ensured to eliminate the possibility of structural resonance. Secondly, the locking force is calculated by using the inertial force in the closing process. In order to ensure the accuracy of the simulation, the inertial release method needs to compare with historical data to determine the locking load. Finally, the stress-strain results were evaluated, and the fatigue life of sheet metal was predicted by strain fatigue method.
The analytical model used in the inertial release method includes closers (Clousre in White) containing only sheet metal and simple accessories, such as seals, buffer blocks, glass, hinges, etc. Other accessories can be replaced by mass points. The following figure is a typical model for assessing stress-strain results using the inertial release method.