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Zhuo Meng (Shanghai)Grain in Ear, Zhuomeng car accompany you all the way

《Grain in Ear, Zhuomeng car accompany you all the way》

Dear cyclists,
Grain in Ear season comes quietly, the wind blows wheat waves, harvest and sowing interwoven here. In this solar term full of hope and vitality, Zhuomeng automobile always walks with you.
Grain in Ear, marking the beginning of busy farming, but also meaning the importance of hard work in our lives. Just like Zhuomeng Automobile has always been committed to the professional and quality of the auto parts industry for your travel hard “sowing”.
Our team is like a hard-working farmer, taking care of every part to ensure that they are always in top condition, providing reliable protection for every journey.
At the same time, in order to keep your car in good condition during the Grain in Ear season and in the future, here are some car maintenance tips:
1. Pay attention to check the tire: ensure that the tire pressure is normal to avoid dangerous situations such as a burst tire in high temperature weather. At the same time, check the tire surface for damage or foreign objects.
2. Clean the air conditioning system: the temperature rises after grain in ear, the air conditioning is used frequently, and the air conditioning filter is cleaned in time to keep the air in the car fresh.
3. Check the cooling system: prevent the engine from overheating, check whether the coolant is sufficient, and supplement or replace it if necessary.
4. Protect car paint: The summer sun is strong, you can consider waxing and other protective measures for your car to reduce car paint damage.
Whether you are on a busy road or ready to start a new journey, Zhuomun Automotive is willing to become your solid partner. Let us together in the sunshine of Grain in ear, driving the dream, to the distance.
Grain in Ear is the ninth solar term of the 24 solar terms, the third solar term in summer, and the beginning of the noon month of the dry branch calendar. The sun longitude reaches 75°, and it crosses on June 5-7 of the Gregorian calendar every year. “Grain in Ear” means that “grain crops with awn can be planted, and it will be invalid after this.” In this season, the temperature rises significantly, the rainfall is abundant, and the air humidity is high, which is suitable for the planting of cereals such as late rice. Farming to “grain in ear” this solar term for the boundary, after this planting survival rate is getting lower and lower. It is the reflection of ancient farming culture to the season.
Grain in Ear is of great significance in farming. The lunar book said: “Bucket finger C for grain in ear, at this time can be planted with awn valley, this is ineffective, so the name grain in ear also.” This means that grain in Ear is suitable for planting grain crops with awns; It is also the cut-off point for planting crops, after which it becomes ineffective. The proverb “Grain in Ear does not plant, and it is useless to plant” speaks of this truth. Grain in Ear is a busy farming solar term, the folk also called it “busy kind”. At this time of year, rice is planted in the south and wheat is harvested in the north. Grain in ear, “awn” refers to some awn crops, such as rice, millet, millet and so on; And “seed”, one is the “seed” of the seed, the other is the “seed” of the sowing. The name “grain in Ear” means that “grain crops with awn can be planted, and it will be invalid after this.” As the saying goes, “If a grain in ear does not grow, it is useless to plant again.” This is the truth. It is a summary of the ancient farming culture for the farming season, showing that the grain in Ear solar term is the dividing point of planting crops. In grain in ear season, the temperature increases significantly, the rainfall is abundant, and the air humidity is high, which is suitable for the cultivation of cereals such as late rice. This solar term is the dividing point of farming time, due to the hot weather, has entered the typical summer, farming sowing to this season as the boundary, after this solar term, the survival rate of crops is getting lower and lower. Grain in ear is the season when cereal crops are planted. Late rice is planted at this time. In the southern rice-growing region, “grain in Ear” is a busy time for rice transplanting. The northern region is dryland agriculture, food crops mainly wheat, this season is the northern summer crop wheat harvest time. The arrival of “Grain in Ear” marks another round of busy farming, people in the south are busy transplanting rice and people in the north are busy harvesting. [2] [8] [13] [21]
The word “grain in Ear”, the earliest existing written records in the Han Dynasty in the work “Zhou Li” : “grass born, seeds of grain in ear.” Yuan Dynasty literati Wu Cheng edited the “month of the seventy-two Hou collection solution” : “May Festival, that there are aeng seed grain can be planted.” “Tongwei · Xiaojing aid God Contract” said: “15 days after the small full, Dou finger C, for grain in ear, May Festival. A valley of awns can be sown. Grain in Ear means “awned rice crops can be sown”. The Ming Dynasty scholar Chen Sanmo [25] also explained in his “Annual Preface General Examination” : “The grass is the end of the grass; Species, standing species also; The valley with awn can be planted at this time, so called grain in ear, is the solar term of May!” It means that awns are needle-like things at the top of grass, seeds, sowing meaning; Grain in ear, which is the grain with awns, is ready to be sown at this time. Rice is generally grown in the south where paddy fields dominate. The northern region is dryland agriculture, and the food crop is mainly wheat. For the northern region, “grain in Ear” is the season of wheat ripening, so the meaning of “grain in ear” is also interpreted as “wheat with awn can harvest quickly, and rice with awn can be planted.” Wheat harvesting was added, involving both rice sowing in the south and wheat harvesting in the north.
In addition to car maintenance, there are the following precautions:
In terms of life:
1. Regular work and rest: keep adequate sleep and take a proper lunch break to restore physical strength and energy.
2. Pay attention to heat prevention: in high temperature weather, take heat prevention measures, prepare umbrellas, hats, etc. when going out, and avoid activities in the hot sun for a long time.
3. Light diet: eat more food that clears heat and diuresis, such as bitter melon, winter melon, Job’s tears, etc., eat less greasy and spicy food.
4. Supplement water: Drink more water, can be appropriate to drink some mung bean soup, chrysanthemum tea and other summer drinks.
For health:
1. Prevention of disease: At this time, bacteria are easy to breed, pay attention to personal hygiene, prevent intestinal diseases, etc.
2. Regulate emotions: Hot weather may lead to emotional irritability, pay attention to keep a calm mind and avoid emotional overreaction.
In farming:
1. Timely harvesting: for mature crops, harvest in time to avoid adverse weather effects such as rainfall.
2. Strengthen field management: do a good job in irrigation, fertilization, disease and pest control of rice and other crops.
Zhuomeng Automobile, with you all the way, never stop!
Come and experience our excellent service.

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Post time: Jun-05-2024