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Zhuo Meng (Shanghai) Lesser Fullness of Grain

《Lesser Fullness of Grain》

Xiaomeng, the eighth solar term in the 24 solar terms, is also the second solar term in summer. Xiao Man, fighting nails, the sun reaches the longitude of 60°, in the annual Gregorian calendar May 20-22 festival. The name of Xiao Man has two meanings. First, it is related to climate precipitation. During the Little Manchu Solar term, the rainstorm in the south begins to increase and the precipitation is frequent. As the saying goes, “Small full, small full, rivers gradually full.” The “full” in the small full refers to the abundance of rain. Second, it is related to agricultural wheat. In the northern regions, there is less or no rain during the Xiaomeng Solar term, and this “full” does not refer to precipitation, but refers to the fullness of wheat.
During the Little Manchu Solar Term, there is usually a lot of rain and heavy rainfall in southern China. The warm and wet air from the ocean is active, and the cold air from the north to the south converges. At this time, there will often be sustained large-scale heavy precipitation in South China, resulting in heavy rain or extremely heavy rain. The Jiangnan area is often full of rivers and lakes, if there is less rain at this stage, it may be that the subtropical high pressure in the Pacific is weak, and the location is south, which means that it is the Huangmei season. In the north, there is little or no rain during the Xiaomian Solar Term, during which the temperature rises rapidly and the temperature difference with the south shrinks further.
The “24 Solar Terms” is the product of ancient Chinese farming civilization. It is not only a season system to guide farming production, but also a folk custom system with rich folk customs. According to the characteristics of the farming society, the solar term folk customs mainly include “small man worship car God”, “small man move three cars (water, oil and silk cars)”, “small man grab water”, “small man silkworm festival”, “small man eat wild vegetables” and so on. In the south, the “full” in the small manchu refers to the abundance of rain. “Full”, from the water, the original meaning is “overflowing”. Such as “Shuowen Jiezi” said: “full, overflowing also.” During the Xiaomeng solar term, the South China Sea summer monsoon breaks out, and the rainfall in southern China becomes more and more intense, so the rivers are full. At this time, during the water planting period, if the rain is less, that is, in the farmer’s saying, the so-called “small full discontent, dry break field”, “small full dissatisfaction, ear in ear regardless”, that is to say, if the field is full of water, it may cause the field to dry and crack, and even when the ear in ear can not plant rice. In southern farmers’ proverbs, Xiaoman refers to the precipitation among the three elements of climate (light, precipitation and temperature). After the Xiaomian solar term, under the influence of the South China Sea summer monsoon, the heavy rainfall in southern China will increase significantly, and the rivers will be full so far, so it is called “Xiaomian”.
In Xiaomian solar term, the northern region has not yet entered the rainy season, the rainfall is very little or no rain. The farmland in northern China is mainly dry land, and the grain crop is mainly wheat. Summer crops such as wheat in northern China have begun to be full, but they are not yet mature, about the same as the late stage of milk maturity, so it is called “Xiaomeng”. Confucian way, taboo “too full”, “big full”, there are “full of damage, modest benefit” “extreme things will reverse” said. Full of losses, modest benefit. Small full, full without loss, full without filling, full without overflowing. Small full season, the northern region of wheat grains just full but not fully full, fully full is too full, this time the full degree of wheat grains is just right, wheat full but not full, full but not overflowing, so called “small full”. The “24 Solar terms” is a specific season in the calendar that expresses the change of natural rhythm and establishes the “construction of December”, which can accurately reflect the change of natural rhythm and contains a long cultural connotation and historical accumulation. The climatic characteristics of the Xiaomian solar term are frequent precipitation, and there is often a continuous large range of strong precipitation. From the characteristics of climate (pentad mean temperature), most parts of China have entered summer one after another during the Little Manchowder season, and the temperature difference between the north and the south has further narrowed. China is the most active region of summer monsoon in the world. Influenced significantly by the East Asian summer monsoon, summer monsoon not only fundamentally determines the climate distribution pattern in China, but also controls the position change of rain belt and the status of drought and flood in China. After the Xiaomian Solar term, the South China Sea summer monsoon breaks out, which means that a steady stream of water vapor will pour into China, and heavy convective precipitation will increase significantly in southern China. Some areas in China are in the peak of the pre-flood season, and then will fully enter the main flood season. The north and south of China have a large geographical span and different climates. As far as precipitation is concerned, during the small Manchu season, there is plenty of rainfall in the southern region and little precipitation in the northern region. Among them, the precipitation in the south of the Yangtze River is generally more than 100 mm, and the precipitation in coastal areas such as Fujian and Guangdong is more than 180 mm. The precipitation in North China and Northeast China is between 20 and 40 mm, while the precipitation in northwest China is less than 20 mm.

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Post time: May-20-2024