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Zhuomeng automobile | Regular maintenance of the car powertrain, so that the driving journey never stop.

《Zhuomeng automobile |  Regular maintenance of the car powertrain, so that the driving journey never stop.》


In the automotive world, the powertrain is like the heart, providing a steady stream of power for the vehicle. Zhuomong Automobile is well aware of its importance, and today we will deeply discuss the key significance of regular maintenance of automotive powertrain.
Common faults and maintenance methods of automobile engine
The car engine is the heart of the car, the core component of the entire car power system, and the power source that drives the car. There will be a variety of faults in the long-term operation of the car engine, which will bring inconvenience and trouble to the owner. It is very important for car owners to understand the common faults and maintenance methods of car engines. This article will introduce the common faults and maintenance methods of automobile engines, hoping to help you better understand and maintain automobile engines.
1. Fuel system failure
Fuel system failure is one of the common faults of automobile engine. The fuel system failure is mainly manifested as the car acceleration is not smooth, the power is insufficient, the total speed is unstable, and even the situation of flameout. This condition is usually caused by sediment in the fuel system blocking the fuel nozzle or a malfunctioning fuel pump. In view of this situation, the owner can solve the problem by cleaning the nozzle, if the nozzle has been seriously clogged, you need to replace the nozzle. If the fuel pump is faulty, it needs to be replaced with a new fuel pump.
2. The air filter is faulty
The air filter is an essential part of the engine, and its main role is to filter impurities and dust in the air to protect the engine from pollution. If the air filter fails, it will lead to poor engine intake, affect combustion efficiency, and then affect the working performance of the engine. The owner needs to check and replace the air filter regularly to ensure the normal operation of the air filter.
Ignition system failure is one of

the main reasons that cause automobile engine to fail to work normally. Ignition system failure will cause the car to start difficult, idling instability, and even stall the situation. The owner can check the ignition system failure by checking the ignition coil, spark plug, ignition coil and other components, if the fault is found, the need to replace or repair the corresponding parts in time.
The failure of the lubrication system will lead to the lack of lubrication of the automobile engine, which will lead to serious engine wear and even serious failure. The owner needs to check the engine oil regularly, if the oil deteriorates, becomes thin or the oil pressure is abnormally low, it is necessary to replace the oil in time or check whether the relevant parts of the lubrication system are working normally.
The failure of the cooling system will lead to overheating of the automobile engine and seriously affect the working performance of the engine. The owner needs to check the working condition of the cooling system regularly, including whether the engine water temperature is normal, whether the radiator is clean, and whether the water pump is working normally. If the cooling system is found to be faulty, it is necessary to repair or replace the relevant parts in time.
The above is the introduction of common faults and maintenance methods of automobile engines. It is hoped that through the introduction of this article, the car owner can better understand and maintain the car engine, extend the service life of the car, and improve the safety of the car. If the owner of the car engine repair and maintenance work lack of experience and technology, it is strongly recommended to seek help from a professional car repair personnel to ensure the normal work of the car engine.
How to maintain the car engine assembly? As the core component of the car, the engine is like the heart of the human being, connecting various parts of the body, and its importance is self-evident. So, in the daily maintenance, what should we do?

Replace the three filters regularly
Every 1,000 kilometers or so, it is best to remove the filter element of the air filter and blow dust and other dirt from the inside out with compressed air. Some cars have a dust integration cup at the air inlet, which should also be checked frequently to dump the dust.
Three filter refers to: fuel, oil and air these three filters, and oil filters generally have coarse filter and fine filter two, the car should be replaced when two. In different regions, the road conditions are different, and the cleaning and replacement time is also different.
2. Check and replenish the coolant
If the coolant level in the liquid storage tank is lower than the minimum scale line, the coolant of the same variety should be added, and distilled water can be used to replace it if necessary. Be careful, be sure to wait for the temperature to drop before opening the cover, otherwise the high temperature water spray out is very easy to burn people.
3. Adjust the valve clearance
After the car is driven for a period of time, sometimes you will hear the sound of “tap, tap” in the engine, which is often the gap between the valve and the valve tappet is large, then the gap must be adjusted. However, modern car engines have used hydraulic tappets, which can automatically eliminate the gap, and the problem is naturally solved.
4. Check and clean platinum contacts
The platinum contact on the distributor will be ablated after a period of use, which will cause an increase in resistance, a decrease in spark plug ignition energy, and a decrease in engine output power, etc., which will use fine sandpaper to gently polish off the oxide layer. But pay attention to the contact area can not be less than 80%, more than to replace.
5, spark plug to check often
If the engine power is found to be reduced, one of the possible reasons is that the spark plug needs to be repaired. First of all, check whether the spark plug ceramic body is cracked, and if it is cracked, it is necessary to replace it in time. Secondly, check w

hether the gap between the two electrodes of the spark plug is reasonable, generally to maintain between 0.4 and 0.6 mm (different grades of the gap often have differences), check the size of the gap is best to use a thick gauge, but experienced people can also use visual inspection, or remove the spark plug next to it for comparison. Electrodes should be kept clean to remove carbon deposits and oxide layers.
6. Check the belt
Tightness should comply with the provisions of the manual, such as cracking, delamination, etc., should be replaced in time.
7, the air valve to maintain ventilation
The engine, transmission and some other assemblies have ventilation valves to facilitate the release of oil and gas at high temperatures. Remove dirt and dust frequently and maintain ventilation. When washing the car, pay attention to the cover on the valve, and can not rush the water into it.
At Zhuomeng Automotive, we have an experienced and skilled team of professionals to provide you with a full range of services for all parts of your car. Regular maintenance of a car’s powertrain is not an optional option, but a must. We believe that under your careful care, your car will always be strong and accompany you through every wonderful journey. Thank you for your attention, Zhuomeng automobile will always be your solid backing!

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Post time: Aug-03-2024