Automotive piston connecting rod assembly installation process
1. First insert the connecting rod (small head) into the pin hole of the piston with the piston pin, and then insert the piston ring (gas ring and oil ring) into the ring groove on the piston. Insert the installed connecting rod and piston assembly into the cylinder from above the cylinder, with the big end of the connecting rod facing down (piston facing up)(because the piston ring is stuck, it cannot be inserted to the end);
2. Tighten the piston ring to the same size as the inner diameter of the cylinder liner with the special fixture (sheet metal tool) for installing the piston ring (adjust the opening gap of the piston ring properly before tightening, adjust the Angle of the two openings of the adjacent ring, generally 120 degrees apart), and then gently push it into the cylinder liner (temporarily apply some oil on the piston ring for easy access);
3. The connecting rod bushing is installed on the connecting rod journal, its two fastening bolts, one on the left side of the body, one on the right side of the body, are directional, so there is no mistake, the crankshaft can not rotate 360 degrees in the body;
4. Tighten the two bolts of the connecting rod shingle to achieve the required torque. Install cylinder head and adjust valve clearance. Install oil pump and oil pan.
When installing the piston linkage, it is necessary to follow the correct steps and techniques, and its joints need to be sealed reliably to ensure that there is no oil leakage and avoid engine failure. When installing the piston linkage, it is necessary to avoid vibration and noise to ensure stable engine performance and reliability. Proper installation and commissioning ensures proper engine operation and improves performance and reliability.
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